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Thursday 25-11-2010

WAHAHA ~ Finally Malay, English and History are passed ! =D 
YEAH ~ Feel relax now ! (so I will online and write my blog)
But ! I think these three subjects will make my result looks ugly !

Today my History is S.U.C.K ==  
All what I had revised from yesterday night until today also didn't being tested ! What the ...... !
I really out of minded ! I didn't know what I can write in my question paper.
Anyway ! I just wrote whatever I know. =S 
because my teacher said : "don't leave it blank, just write whatever you know."
I'm just hope I can PASS my History ! T_T
AngKong ! Please bo bi me ~~~

The next subjects for next week :
- Additional Mathematics 

- Moral 
- Mathematics 
- Science

YES ! There's still have 6 days to go only ! Woots ~ =) 
Bye Bye ~

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