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Orientation Day


Today is the LAST day of orientation week. :) + :(
Oh no, we all only have form, communicated with each other at last day. Is that too late already ? :( So BAD ! Hope we could meet up again ! :D

Wow ! Today's champion is out of our expected ! XD
We(SBS)'re the CHAMPION for year2011/2012 :D GREAT [applause]

I thought the champion will be belong to SOT since they're really have teamwork and form ! But they're bad enough to their enemy as they liked to shoot us and too sombong already la :S

Anyway, it's not the main point over here. :)
The main point is_
When only we can meet each other ? When the class start, we have no much time to meet up again. Some more we're not the same course. T.T I will miss you all and there 4days one. You too, right ? *Sorry, I'm so GBP*

In these few days, the most impressive scene is about my fake dear, Jack.
Oh my goodness, I really couldn't stand with him AH ~ So sissy when he was acting as AhBon. :/ I still can remember it even now. Wow ~ !
Here is his photo :) *Sorry for didn't ask for your permission, Jack*

Does him look good ? He's a bit like 美型男, does he ? X)

Hmm ... I think I have nothing to share again d :p
I'm tired enough today. I was too high to shouted to cheers our group !
Goodnight X)

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