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I really don't know what happened currently ! 
I'm getting ruder and ruder currently because of someone ! She's making my college life suffering ! T T WHY ? WHY ? WHY ?
I really ... URGH ! Someone can help me ? 
I really don't know how to describe my feeling right now ! What I Want To Say Right Now Is Just  :



  1. finally u realise that college life is different from secondary life liao leh~ Sometime saying rude words can be relax la~ Just dont say too much~ SUPPORT u nahhhh~ ^^

  2. Haha Teehee. It's okay lurh >~< It's quite fun sometimes. There's quite many function at TARC o.
    LOL ! Now my friend and I set the rules, who have spoken the rude words gonna be slap by the one who heard it. Hahaha. GREAT.
    Thanks o, AhLoon. You too ! ADDOIL yea ~
