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♥ No matter how, I am who I am ♥ It just me ♥


Blog Archive


23Mar 2012

Hello there ! 
I have been a long time didn't come and update my blog. 
I'm busy of part-timed job and STUDIES.

There're much incidents happened currently
Well, in some cases, I totally have no idea with it.
I don't understand why there's such kind people exist in our world. WHY !?
Ms, you thought you're the only queen in the world ? We all have no any responsibilities to care about you all the time. Everyone has his/her friend. 
And, why you want to hide the facts from us ? You hide them all just because of your face ?! 
Your face is much more important than others reputation ? ._. 
Well, can see that you're such a "good" friend. 
Ms, PLEASE ! STOP acting cute front of us. We all hate it much.
Why you aren't think that you're acting cute :O?! Feel you self are CUTE some more. ISH
Guys, I ain't jealous-ing about her yet she seriously acting cute. All girls can see that. Isn't me trying make anything worse or what, IT'S A FACT ! Stop thinking I want to say it all because of my jealouy

These few days
I found that I ain't a good friend
I found that I have no the BEST buddy/buddies :\ Huh
Is it I think too much again ? I wish too

The end for today

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