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♥ No matter how, I am who I am ♥ It just me ♥


Blog Archive

I'm Back


Hello here !
I have quite many days didn't come and update my blog because I was busy visiting relatives during Chinese New Year.
Happy belated Chinese New Year. :)

I was happy to meet my cousins.
Hey guys, I miss you all much now especially Simon, AhTeoh and Karyan because I didn't meet you this holidays. I wish to meet you all the next holidays. :)


Boys : Yang, Khong (my brother)
Girls : Ni, Peng (me), Mun, Khee, Ying, Ting, Juan

They're such LENGLUIS (except me :P) and LENGZAIS (especially Yang)
Oh my gosh, I felt self-abased while standing together with them all. :( 
They all have long hair but me ... ... ... :( so SAD. 
I decided not to cut my hair until my hair grows longer and longer ! Haha  :D

Yesterday :
I went to Queensbay for the farewell of Jarell and Latte :) Buahaha but I missed the gathering with my dear friends, Ko, Jie, Li them all. :( 


Boys : Yuan, Latte, Jarell, Chye, Bear, Hou, Hao, (I don't know who's that :/)
Girls : ME, Heineken, Bali, Sally

4 of 8 members in drinks family,
Latte, MiloPeng. Heineken, Bali

Had a nice noon with them. :) 
During night, 
I went to my aunt's house to have buffet. :) 
Wow, I like her house *.*    *Envy*
Her house as big as castle, maybe I have overstated to describe it BUT it is a fact !
Maybe the next time I'll take the photo down and share it. :) Hihi 
I couldn't enjoy there because I was LONELY. I didn't know anyone of them.
I just sat there and listened to mummy and those aunts, uncles chit chat. -_- How BORED was it.
Luckily, I still have my tortoise friend to sms. Haha. :P Kaka ~ 
Thank you, Tortoise. :D

Today :
Woke up at 07.34a.m
Went to have a breakfast with daddy, went to pray for 犯太岁, and opened a bank account at Maybank. (It took daddy's and my 1++ hours -_-)
Before to Maybank, daddy brought me to his company first.
OH NO, my heart was going to spring out !
ISH, I hate the dogs there T_T Especially the smallest one and its mummy !
They were trying to attack me because I was a stranger to them ! T_T
By that time, I became a child, I kept holding my daddy's bag tightly, never try to loosen my hand from the bag and kept exclaiming : " Ba(Daddy) ... Ah ... It's nearing me ! " non-stop. 
Well, daddy was trying hard to halau them and console me with saying : " Don't scare, daddy is here, they won't have chance to near you. " LOL XD
Finally daddy halau them out of my sight T_T Thanks dad. Phiew ~

I LIKE dogs BUT I SCARE dogs

The funny scene in my brain now is appearing. 
My daddy scolded them (baby dog and dog mummy) when he was going to toilet.
" 黑狗仔!你啊!真坏死啊!啊呢肮脏还敢靠近我啊?还吓人!" daddy scolded. (in Hokkien)
Hahahaha ~ I couldn't stop laughing when I looked at them being scolded by my daddy.
They became my daddy's children by the moments.
My daddy helped them to bath also. Aiyer ~ Daddy is quite good to them neh.

Please forgive my POOR English T^T

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