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2011兔年文化庙会 (Part 2)

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I didn't know what was I doing. HAHA
I like this couple ~ Muackx ~ *3*
We were copying
Haha 财神爷 and human-being rabbits :) They're dancing ~~~
Lalala ... Have no idea with this :p
This is female rabbit :)
Hehe this is the male rabbit.
My Action : Gong Hei Fatt Choy ~

I like this game :) Erm, something like 猜灯谜. :)
ChiatKim is pro in this game. Wow. She guest a lot !
Erm ... I don't know what was I doing there. :p
We were tired to walk there again.
Sat at there and wait for the more Teenagers' Camp campers coming ~
We were enjoy chatting :D
P3AC3 ~
Endorsement of umbrella ? 
They were acting as puppet. Look alike isn't ? :D
Our group photo. :)
财神爷 and ME :) I like this photo too :)
Haha the second group photo :)
After temple fair, Simon, Yuan, Keat, Bear, Kim and ME went for our dinner. 
That time was already around 10++p.m. 
Oh my goodness. SEE ! How playful are we. :p So late only have our dinner. Hihi
I had a great dinner on that night. Wuhoo ~ muackx !

We still went to a lot of places but ... I lazy to share it. :p Hihi. If still wanna view the more photos, you may click in this --> Photo Album from Facebook 

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